Page Speed Insight Adds Score Metrics INP and TTFB

If you are a blogger or website owner, then you are already familiar with web Pagespeed Insights. Pagespeed Insights is a website that is used to measure the speed or performance of a website or blog.

Website performance is measured through several metric scores, the metrics used previously were Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), and First Contentful Paint (FCP).

Page Speed Insight Adds Score Metrics INP and TTFB

Now Pagespeed Insights has added a new metric to check the performance or speed of a website or blog. The metrics are Interaction to Next Paint (INP) and Time to First Byte (TTFB).

Interaction to Next Paint (INP)?

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is a metric that measures the responsiveness of web pages or blogs that interact with users, INP will record all pages that interact with users.

Responsiveness in question is how quickly the page responds when the user performs the input process and this is a crucial user or visitor experience. Chrome displays data that 90% of visitors or visitors spend loading time.

Measuring responsive pages carefully is very important on websites that rely on javascript to make websites interactive. For example for an online store or online shopping website, when the user selects the product color, and product size and presses the purchase button. Then a responsive web page becomes very important for users or visitors.

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) Measurement Value: 

1. INP value 0 - 200 milliseconds then the website page is good in terms of responsiveness or good responsiveness.

2. The INP value is 200 - 500 milliseconds, the responsiveness of the website page needs improvement or needs improvement

3. The INP value is above 500 milliseconds, the responsiveness of the website page is very bad or poor responsiveness

Time to First Byte (TTFB)?

Time to First Byte (TTFB) is a metric that measures connection setup time and web server responsiveness both in the lab and in the field. This measurement will help identify when requests to the web server are slow to respond. In some cases, it is a navigation request such as a request to an HTML Document, 

As the name suggests, Time to First Byte or TTFB is a measurement of resource request time and when the first byte responds when a visitor arrives on your website or blog page.

Slow or long server response times greatly affect the performance of a website or blog, because the convenience of visitors will be disturbed when the website loading time is long or slow. In general, how it works when a user visits the web:

1. The user types the URL of the website page through the browser

2. Then the browser makes the network request loading to fetch the content to the server

3. And after that, the server accepts the request and returns the content page

Time to First Byte (TTFB) Measurement Value:

1. TTFB value 0-200 milliseconds is categorized as good (Good)

2. The TTFB value of 200 - 600 milliseconds is categorized as in need of improvement (Need Improvement)

3. TTFB value over 600 milliseconds is bad (Poor)

How to fix the TTFB website or blog:

1. Improve hosting server infrastructure specifications

2. Use CDN ( Content Delivery Network ) or Key CDN and Cloudflare

3. For WordPress users, remove unnecessary plugins or burdensome performance of WordPress theme or template

4. Use caching techniques on websites or blogs

5. Remove unnecessary external javascript or CSS code

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